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All photography is by Audi Culver unless otherwise noted.

SIOSI House interior with slab table, plants everywhere, and large windows revealing a snowy daySIOSI House bathroom, dark green walls with a rounded mirror and backsplash motif.

an irish setter runs down the stairs in evening light with family portraits in the background and a white oak handrail to the right, there's a daybed in the foregroundslab dining table surrounded by orchids in a space with large windowsSIOSI kitchen with plaster range hood, amagansett kitchen island, and and old farm sinkSideboard in white oak sits among orchids in a bright kitchenClose-up of white oak sideboard showing knobs and quarter sawn figurehouseivywindowhouseshopelm bar stoolorchidmetal bar stoolconference tableconference tableivy winrecord consolerecord consoledining tabledining tabledogsbathroomworkingbenchhouse

walnut processcoffee tablemilk stool side tablemarket dining tablecritical mass dining table, slab table, dining tableslab dining table, dining table

dining table, critical mass dining tabledining tablecast aluminum, foundrycast aluminum, foundryclaro walnut slabsangfroid stoolclaro walnut slabcredenzaivy siosiAudi Culverweldingheadboardcoffee tabledining tablebotanic gardenbotanic gardendeliverymarket dining tablebotanic gardenshop visitslab dining table

Photograph by Anna Powell Teeter

Photograph by Anna Powell Teeter